The Influence Of The Warhol Superstars.

Alot has been said about The Warhol Superstars. Yes, they sound like an edgy art rock band, but they’re quite the opposite..

Andy Warhol was at his peak in the mid 1960s, after setting up his “Factory” in New York, Warhol began producing movies, and these movies stared the “Warhol Superstars.” These people were made for the screen, with their eccentricity and individuality. They were the epitome of the time.

Perhaps the most famous of the Warhol Superstars is the mysterious and beautiful Edie Sedgwick. She became a close confidante of Andy, and although she was only on the scene for a small sliver of time, she was easily recognised by her gamine figure and bambi stare. Edie’s style was one that mirrored the time, it was one of simple striped shirts, and low slung kitten heels combined with ornate chandelier earrings and mini dresses. Her makeup was her most identifiable feature, with dark lines drawn in the eye socket and feline eyeliner. Edie mirrored the feel of the time and sparked a trend that would prove to span over generations.

Other notable Warhol Superstars are:

International Velvet
Candy Darling (Immortalised in the Lou Reed song, “Walk On The Wild Side”)
Ingrid Superstar
Holly Woodlawn
Cyrinda Foxe
Chuck Wein
Cherry Vanilla

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